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FundLife Players Participate in 2nd Sangyaw Cup Football Tournament

Tacloban City, June 16, 2024 - The 2nd Sangyaw Cup Football Tournament, organized by the Philippines Football Federation—Eastern Visayas Regional Football Association (PFF-EVRFA), concluded successfully at the Regional Training Facility in Tacloban City. The event, held from June 15 to 16, brought together youth teams from across the region, providing a platform to showcase their football talent and passion.

Among the participants were the Believers Football Club and Dreamers Football Club, featuring players from FundLife's Mini Champions League. These teams were comprised of players selected from various partner schools and communities, recognized for their dedication, hard work, and commitment to FundLife's activities.

In preparation for the tournament, FundLife facilitated five days of intensive training for the teams. This preparation played a crucial role in fine-tuning the players' skills and tactics, while also ensuring their mental and emotional readiness for the competition.

During the tournament, Believers FC and Dreamers FC encountered stiff competition from other talented teams. Believers FC demonstrated their determination, securing one win out of their three matches; they showcased their resilience, concluding the tournament with one win, one draw, and one loss.

The performances of both teams were commendable, highlighting their talent, teamwork, and sportsmanship. The tournament provided an excellent opportunity for these young athletes to test their skills against their peers and gain valuable competitive experience.

As the 2nd Sangyaw Cup came to a close, players from Dreamers FC and Believers FC reflected on their experiences and the memories they created. The event emphasized the importance of sportsmanship and camaraderie among all participants.

Looking ahead, both teams are committed to leveraging their experiences to advance in youth football. Through continued rigorous training and teamwork, they aim to return stronger and more competitive in future tournaments.

The 2nd Sangyaw Cup not only celebrated the talent and dedication of young football players but also fostered a spirit of unity and development within the sport. The event underscored the passion and potential of youth football in the Philippines.

FundLife's Dreamers FC and Believers FC are determined to build on their newfound experience, striving to become better players and contribute to the bright future of football in the region.

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